Dear readers.
In answer to your unspoken questions. Yes I am still alive and yes I plan on continuing to blog. BUT... [smile] I feel the need for a new star. It is with a degree of sadness that I have come to this decision. I've loved blogging on "Just Me" over the last two years. I've met some great blogging friends, enjoyed sharing my life with the world, and loved the process of self-exploration. This experiment has also reminded me that writing is something that can be fun, exciting, relaxing. (Four years of undergrad tended to leave me a little jaded when it came to expressing my thoughts in the written word. [smile]) However, to continue to feel the same way about writing I feel I need a bit of a change... a new volume in which I can continue my journey. And with that I would like to announce that I'm moving to a new webpage. The website will continue in a similar blogging format though I'll have a few more subject specific pages (books, movies, etc.). I'll also be launching a cooking section, as I've taken on the role of chef since I returned home. Keep your eyes peeled for a Julie/Julia type challenge that I plan to embark on in the new year.
This space is filled with great memories that I will always cherish and I'm sure my new site will be as well. Join me if you would like, though please forgive as it is still very much a work in progress. HTTP://MARGARETBAGWELL.WORDPRESS.COM/
Now for a final time I'll sign off as Just, Margaret