Tonight I had another Rotary event to attend (3 down and 3 to go before the end of April). I was speaking for a club out from Bristol. (Really small club and about half of the members were absent.) Anyway, one of the older men (in his 70s) who was there looked at me before I began my "talk" and out of the blue just said "you're gorgeous." He promptly asked if that was okay for him to say and I said of course. Flattery can get you anywhere with me. [smile] Plus I was having one of those days when I needed to hear something of the sort. So after my talk about Georgia was over and I convinced them all they should visit, he said the same thing again and added "I'm not sure if its because you remind me of someone or if its because you're a unique person. Lets say you're uniquely beautiful." I don't want you to get the wrong idea, the whole exchange was totally not creepy. He was just a really sweet old man... reminded me of my grandfathers.
Goodbye Mr Dave
1 day ago
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