After the fair we spent several hours exploring the different displays set up by various
Just residing with hope, Margaret
Posted by Margaret at 5:26 PM 1 comments
Labels: faith, job, social justice
Posted by Margaret at 9:07 AM 0 comments
Today was the day that we distribute commodities at work through a program called Food for Families. We only hand out food once a month, but since I've been in charge of the program for over a year now several of the faces that I see each month have become friends-- sweet people who have chosen to share a little part of their lives with me. Today a few of our elderly clients, found out that I would be leaving soon, that my time as a missionary in their community was coming to an end. I was so touched by one older man's response to this news that I wanted to share it with all of you. He of course first questioned me as to when I'd be leaving (which is actually in two months) and then said "We'll miss you." I told him that I would miss seeing him, too, and he reached over to me. I thought he was going to just pat me on the shoulder, but instead he gave me a great big hug and said thank you. It was nice to see that these people who I have only known for a year and who I spend maybe 30 minutes total each month with would miss my presence. I'm so glad that I chose to spend some time serving in a new community after graduating. I feel like I've learned so much about life and I got to meet such sweet people. Serving others makes me feel so alive when I take the time to remember to slow down and recognize what's going on around me. Today receiving a hug from that old man was one of those moments.
Just, Margaret
Posted by Margaret at 9:09 PM 0 comments
Labels: job, life changes, social justice
Our Earth Day celebration was great! All my plans for what the day should represent were highly exceeded and as I drove around from one project site to the next I was simply joyous. To think that I helped make this happen was unbelievable. I guess this day was just a testament that when people work together great things can happen. Here are some photos of our fun day with a few captions for explanation.
"O God, make us prophets of our time."
A closing worship to focus our actions back on our responsibility to serve as stewards of the world God created.
Just believing that together we can make a difference, Margaret
Posted by Margaret at 6:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: happy, job, living green, social justice
Friday night I picked up my new pair of glasses from Target. I love that feeling of new glasses... being able to see again is great. It always reminds me of when I was a little kid and got my first pair of glasses. I remember that I wasn't too happy about having to wear them all the time, but putting them on and being able to see the leaves in the trees in our backyard was an awesome experience. My parents kept asking me if I could see this or that. I saw the world clearly for probably the first time. So all day Saturday I wore my new glasses revelling in their newness and how well I could see. (To qualify: I very rarely wear my glasses all day and lately it hasn't even because my last pair split down the middle. Plus, since middle school I've been pretty attached to my contacts.)
Today I put on my glasses again and I happened to catch a glimpse of my self reflected in a window pane as I walked into my office building. I'm sure why, but I just started to think about all of the superhero alter egos who wore glasses, like Clark Kent or Peter Parker. I am not a comic connoisseur, in fact I'd say I'm barely a novice in the field. But I do find it interesting that glasses somehow came to signify a change in the comic world from superhero to ordinary guy. Anyway, I began to think what's different about me when I wear my glasses. I haven't figured it all out yet, but I keep thinking about it and let you know. In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy seeing clearly.
Just, Margaret
Posted by Margaret at 1:53 PM 0 comments
Today I was hoping to take off a little early from work, but I'm not sure that will work out. Earth Day is just around the corner and as the youngest and closest thing to a eco-justice expert on our staff I'm in charge of planning our activities. I've always loved celebrating Earth Day, but it does take some thought to plan activities that will be significant to a wide audience. For me taking steps to live green make so much sense. It's also a justice issue. Global climate change is a problem that is largely initiated by the world's wealthy nations and is most devastating to those living in economically depressed regions. Anyway, I don't want to get on my soapbox. I guess I'm just trying to say that you should try to do something on Tuesday to learn more about eco-justice yourself or share what you know with someone else. So what are my plans... well, I'll be wearing green of course and joining the rest of my work community picking up trash around town, putting up water and energy conservation notices around our campus, and leading a discussion on appropriate responses to eco-justice issues in our community.
Posted by Margaret at 12:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: living green, social justice
Posted by Margaret at 4:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: gardening
Yesterday after church I stopped by WalMart and bought a bright blue plastic lawn chair. One of those lawn chairs that when you first open it is completely flat, then you bend one side or another, and it makes that clicking noise. My thought was that I'd enjoy a nice afternoon outside finishing the book, Their Eyes Were Watching God, for book club on Tuesday night. I did have a nice afternoon, but I forgot one important piece of the puzzle. Sunscreen!!
Yipes! I'm sure you can guess where this is going. Anyway, today I'm paying for my mistake, with two bright red shins and a slight sunglasses shaped burn on my face if you look hard enough. My legs are literally the color of the boiled crawfish I ate with Mom and Pop last week. I know I don't really have anyone to blame except myself, but I've decided to blame WalMart anyway. Why? Well, with my sun drained and fever induced reasoning, I've decided that WalMart made that lawn chair too readily available and also haven't set up their usual, somewhat obnoxious, summer display of sunscreen yet, even in Louisiana where we basically bypass spring every year. I'm sure I'll feel better tomorrow, but its all I can think about right now.
Time for another application of aloe vera. Just, Margaret
Posted by Margaret at 12:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: summer
My week with my Mom and Pop is now at its end. They began their long drive home this morning at 8:30AM. I know that I've neglected posting this week, but sometimes its more important to just be present in the moment with people, instead of spending time reflecting on it. Spending time with Mom and Pop has been really special and according to Pop "genuinely an experience of a lifetime." Of course I've already shared that we spent time playing games and in case you were wondering Mom was our overall winner hands down. I did manage to squeeze to Rummikub wins out of the week, but Mom is an amazing Scrabble player and no matter how hard Pop and I tried we simply couldn't even give her some healthy competition. Each game she inevitably drew the Q or Z and then proceeded to squeeze all of the possible point value out of them.
We enjoyed time together at meals and I even expanded their culinary horizons with my awesome homemade pizza and my favorite Mexican restaurant's spinach enchiladas. By far the most fun meal was on Saturday night at a very local seafood restaurant, where Mom and Pop ordered Cajun crawfish boil. Picture a tin bowl full of bright red crawfish and a roll of paper towels on an old heavy wooden table. After a several lessons with the waitress on the proper way to crack open the crawfish shell, Mom and Pop were enjoying an authentic Louisiana feast. It was great and I hate that I forgot my camera.
Just Margaret.
Posted by Margaret at 4:27 PM 0 comments
This is a pretty old song (in fact it came out on a Priscilla Herdman album the year I was born), but I just heard it today. I love the lyrics- a woman reliving moments in her life. I instantly wanted to share it because its an expression of "authentic selfhood." I'm not sure if May Alice Jeffers was a real person, but if she was she didn't allow her life to be limited by what people thought she should be or should do or how she should live. Plus like lots of great folk songs its not afraid to bring up issues of social justice. Sorry I couldn't find a link to the song being sung. For now the lyrics will have to do.
Just, Margaret.
Posted by Margaret at 2:54 PM 0 comments
Posted by Margaret at 4:56 PM 0 comments
Posted by Margaret at 6:20 PM 0 comments
Labels: gardening, job, social justice
Hope this encourages you. Just, Margaret.
Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from
James M. Barrie
Posted by Margaret at 5:08 PM 0 comments
Posted by Margaret at 7:04 PM 0 comments
Labels: Grammy and Granddaddy, love