Our deepest calling is to grow into our own authentic selfhood, whether or not it conforms to some image of who we ought to be.  
Parker Palmer, Let Your Life Speak

Monday, September 8, 2008

I'm voting for Obama!

I've debated whether to add a political vibe to my blog with a logo for the candidate that I support since the primaries, but I finally decided the time had come.  Mainly I figured that in about two weeks when I officially become an ex-pat I'll be asked my opinion more times than I'll be able to count.  

So there it is, I've watched both parties' national conventions and have seen the nomination of running mates and I stand firm in my belief that Obama is my candidate all the way.  I'm inspired by the possibility his presidency presents.  I'd not say that I am so naive to believe Obama has the power to totally reinvent the government wheel that our country has created in the last 200+ years, but the possibility to reclaim some international standing and the possibility to recharge the American spirit to recognize service to one's country (in whatever form it presents itself) as a privilege of citizenship.  A couple of weeks ago I ran across a quote by Barack Obama.  He said, "We are the who we have been waiting for.  We are the change we seek."  What a beautiful vision for the direction of the United States over the next four years.  I look forward to the change we can create with a leader who encourages Americans to challenge our status quo.  I look forward to the world a country of change seekers can create.

Just, Margaret 


Dori said...

I couldn't have said it better myself. :-) That is what I love about the prospect of his presidency...the vision of better days and a better direction for our country. I know he can't solve every problem overnight, but I actually feel hopeful again when I think of him being president.

LRussi said...

Hi Margaret, this is the right post to say hi and state my agreement, although I can't vote!