Our deepest calling is to grow into our own authentic selfhood, whether or not it conforms to some image of who we ought to be.  
Parker Palmer, Let Your Life Speak

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Happy Birthday, Sarah and Rachel!

My beautiful and brilliant little sisters turn 21 today. I only have the faintest memories of their birth 21 years ago, mostly revolving around the "Big Sister" presents that I received at the time. [smile] I do remember the many years that have brought them to this point to celebrate such a milestone. Their existence has so enriched my life, allowing me to explore my identity as an older sister (sometimes to their ill favor... but what older siblings don't play tricks on their younger brothers and sisters [smile]). Beyond this though I have always felt so proud and blessed to watch them grow.

Sarah- You have become such an amazing artist. Your creations, which I love seeing displayed around our home, illustrate your passions and spiritual awareness. I admire you so much for your commitment to issues of justice... I did drop meat from my diet at your insistence [smile]. I look forward to seeing how your creative spirit will change our world.

Rachel- As you work diligently toward your goal of becoming a nurse, I am awestruck by your deepening compassion for others. You have always been a peacemaker... stepping in on those occasion when Sarah and I were at odds (usually arguing over whose turn it was in the bathroom [smile])... and I know your peace and deep joy in life will serve your future patients and co-workers so well.
Three cheers for my little sisters on their big day! With love.
Just, Margaret

*By the way, Rachel is on the left and Sarah on the right in the photo above.


Meghan said...

Happy Birthday Rachel and Sarah!! Hope you have a great day!