Our deepest calling is to grow into our own authentic selfhood, whether or not it conforms to some image of who we ought to be.  
Parker Palmer, Let Your Life Speak

Monday, June 2, 2008

My best friend in Louisiana

I'm not a participant in the Big Brothers, Big Sisters program, but I might as well be. Since beginning to attend Asbury UMC last February, I've acquired a curious shadow, by the name of Kayla. Kayla is a first grader- well as of last week a second grader- and attends church with her "MawMaw," i.e. great-grandmother. I'm not sure why, but from the very beginning Kayla chose me to sit by during church. She's a rambunctious young lady, of course, and sitting in worship over the past year has not been one of the most peaceful activities, but I've not looked forward to worship so much in a long time.

Over the last month, Kayla and I have missed seeing each other in church for various reasons and as I'm going to be moving in a few weeks, I was beginning to worry that I wouldn't get to see her before I left. Happily yesterday she greeted me with a big hug as soon as I entered the sanctuary. It was such a gift to see her again and I could tell she was excited to see me too. We sat together in church and although she tried really hard to be quiet at the appropriate times, I was blessed to have her whispering rather loudly beside me. Once in response to the pastor's statement that your friends can sometimes fail you, Kayla leaned over and said, "Not me." Its true she has been such a faithful friend to me. I am blessed.

Just happy to be Kayla's friend, Margaret.


Sara Beth Stout said...

I saw your blog link on facebook and have been reading. I have enjoyed it! Also your new friend is Adorable!