Our deepest calling is to grow into our own authentic selfhood, whether or not it conforms to some image of who we ought to be.  
Parker Palmer, Let Your Life Speak

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Apparently this is the Pakistani word for really great, cool. I learned it at that international covered dish meal I mentioned I was going to and that I baked the Key Lime Pies for. It was so fun! Really. Zabardust (pronounced za-bar-dusth)!

I feel very blessed to have been able to meet the people I have this year. My international education has been as defined by my interaction with them as any of the lectures in which I have sat. Success this year isn't defined by my ability to trowel out the perfect trench (though I do think I've come a long way on that front [smile]) or to be able to explain stratigraphy for various audiences, but by the relationships I've formed. I'm not sure how many people I'll be able to keep in touch with as we scatter to all corners of the world, literally. (I hope it is more rather than few.) The season to part has come, as I reminded by someone this evening. It is not something that can be changed any more than I can change having met these wonderful people in the first place. God has ordained my life to include this rich experience and I am thankful. What my journey will include next I can only attempt to imagine!

Just, Margaret


Meghan said...

I cannot wait to use this word...but, since I am not sure I have the pronounciation, I will wait to use it once I can hear you pronounce it when you are here in a little over a month!!! HOORAY!!!