Our deepest calling is to grow into our own authentic selfhood, whether or not it conforms to some image of who we ought to be.  
Parker Palmer, Let Your Life Speak

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Pass the parcel

A two post day is kinda like an eclipse, only happening when you least expect it... I can't believe it either, but here I am again.  [smile]  

Just finished up a Christmas party with the rest of my international housemates.  It was a traditional English Christmas with crackers, puddings, and Pass the Parcel.  Don't know what it is?  Well I didn't either.  Its a game kinda like musical chairs with a little trivia and dum, dum, daaaaa truth or dare (mostly dare).  Basically a parcel is wrapped many times with layers with gifts and/or forfeits.  The parcel is then passed musical chairs style and whoever is last holding the gift must unwrap a new layer, which can be really fun assuming you aren't the person unwrapping the parcel.  I was stuck with the parcel in one of the first rounds and had to recite a poem or rhyme and the tasks got increasingly more difficult to complete... naming all the people in the room (there were about 30), putting a person's arm in a sling, doing a belly dance, ect. Well you get the picture.  A fun game, but also kinda torturous.  I think I will submit my family to it when I get home... or maybe "The Nine".  [maniacal laughter of the muw haha variety] At least next time if I wrap the gift I'll know what tasks are involved, plus someone has to control the music.  [smile] 

Just, Margaret

P.S. Packing got put off in favor of the party, but I have left my room in such a state that I cannot physically go to bed until I have finished.