Our deepest calling is to grow into our own authentic selfhood, whether or not it conforms to some image of who we ought to be.  
Parker Palmer, Let Your Life Speak

Monday, February 2, 2009


Clifton Cathedral, Bristol

We are having a proper snow. A beautiful white blanket to grace this already charming city. And even though we had warmer weather over the last two weeks it appears the population of Bristol has come out in force to participate in the event. Even though you wouldn’t believe it as Bristol is so much further north than Georgia, I’m told that a snowy day in Bristol is just as rare as at home. Walking back from ca
mpus bundled in my wool coat, gloves, and matching green scarf and hat, I felt so elegant, a player in a theatrical landscape, even with my rosy cheeks and nose. Snow always makes me feel like just about anything can happen. 

Just, Margaret

Clifton Suspension Bridge, Bristol


Dori said...

I love your photos. So beautiful. The snow has been coming down all day long here in Wiltshire :-)

josgigi said...

wow! your pictures are great margaret!