Our deepest calling is to grow into our own authentic selfhood, whether or not it conforms to some image of who we ought to be.  
Parker Palmer, Let Your Life Speak

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


It is 6AM in Georgia and I'm awake... wide-no-going-back-to-sleep-right-now awake.  Serves me right I guess for taking naps yesterday and in general not doing anything except relaxing.  [smile]  Since I'm awake and the rest of the house is still cloaked in that deep total darkness that comes just before morning is about to break, I decided what better thing to do than write.  Plus I thought of a really fun thing to share... you may remember mid-term I added a slide show application to the side of my blog titled "Found Items-Coming Soon."  Well before I could take the photos and load them up ex cetera, my life became super busy.  Now my life isn't super busy, so I'll share about what was (possibly is) going to occupy that space.  

I've discovered since entering into this archaeology program that I actually have always thought and acted in some ways like an archaeologists.  I've always loved the idea that objects and people have stories to tell and I've always really enjoyed reading a good mystery novel and drum roll please I've always loved collecting odd bits, trinkets, treasures.  So it just sorta happened automatically that while I was on all those field trips this term I accumulated a few whatnots.  Nothing larger than what I could put in my pocket and all found not bought and of course nothing with archaeological value.  When I was packing up for Christmas I decided to take my "treasures" along, I mean, what better way to share about all I've done over the last couple of months.   There is a stone from the beach where the US Army trained for D-Day, the first piece of flint that I actually realized was flint, the contents of my very first Christmas cracker (okay not from an archaeological expedition I know, 
but not something I wanted to forget), the spout of a turn of the century ginger beer bottle.  So maybe someday I'll post the photos from my collection, for now I'll leave you with a photo from my latest field trip to Glastonbury.  

Just, Margaret