Our deepest calling is to grow into our own authentic selfhood, whether or not it conforms to some image of who we ought to be.  
Parker Palmer, Let Your Life Speak

Thursday, April 16, 2009

End of term field trips: A retrospective, part 1

So I realized that I've let a few of my last "field trips" pass by without sharing photos.  I put "field trips" in quotations because one trip/tour was for class but the other was a Rotary-thing.  Both were great fun... for different reasons of course.  Just a quick run down of the 5 Ws before I post a select few of the photos.  

The first set of photos are of my trip to the Defense Estates on Salisbury Plain (near Stonehenge... so I also got to see the monument in person for the first time, well from the car [smile]).  Basically we were exploring the military heritage the on-site archaeologist manages:  WWI practice trenches (some of which I will be helping to excavate this summer); a mock German and Iraqi village again for war practice; arborglyphs, aka tree carvings from WWI and WWII and at least one really recent one; and lots of old tanks for target practice.  Interesting stuff despite its aggressive history.  I do have to say the highlight of the trip was crouching on the bank of one of the WWI practice trenches and imagining what it might have actually been like for all the men we've been studying about the past few months to live and fight in a similar earthwork in France or Belgium.

One of the "target" tanks.  Luckily no live fire the day we were there.

Can you read what it says on that sign?  
I just finished uploading the photos for Salisbury Plain and realized this is getting really long... so check back tomorrow for part 2.     
Just, Margaret