Our deepest calling is to grow into our own authentic selfhood, whether or not it conforms to some image of who we ought to be.  
Parker Palmer, Let Your Life Speak

Monday, July 27, 2009

Final Post of the Day

Another day has gone by and I don't feel I've accomplished much, but I'm told that's typical of dissertation writing. I've set some goals and I'm hoping to start afresh tomorrow working toward achieving them. I'll make sure to post toward the end of the week how I do.

Before I say goodnight I do have a silly story to tell. Last night while drifting off to sleep I happened to glance at the wall beside my bed where I saw a big spider... and I don't mean big by my over active, almost asleep, arachnophobic brain. It was really quite large about an inch and a half in diameter spread out on the wall. For those of you who know me... especially those who have lived with me... I'm sure you're wondering who I found late last night to help me capture the spider. I will admit my first instinct was to scream, then I though how silly that would make me look. Waking up the whole household because of probably harmless spider. So somehow I captured it using a plastic bottle I had in my room which I then, at the suggestion of my mother whom I called to freak out on the phone to after the whole episode, placed outside my door so I wouldn't have to think of it actually being in my room. It all feels like a blur today, but I have to admit I am a bit weary of getting ready for bed tonight in fear last night might be repeated. Where there was one there might be many... think Aragog in Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone. Still makes me shiver to think about it. Just in case you were wondering the spider was released this morning into our garden by the warden.

Just, Margaret