Our deepest calling is to grow into our own authentic selfhood, whether or not it conforms to some image of who we ought to be.  
Parker Palmer, Let Your Life Speak

Monday, May 11, 2009

A painted night sky

Its five to nine here in Bristol and the traces of our beautiful sunny Spring day are still visible in the sky.  Its getting darker, but I can still clearly see people walking on the side walk and houses across the street.  I love that we're having so much sun, but without the oppressive heat of a Georgia summer.  This is exactly what I would call perfect "porch weather".  It does wonders for my soul this sun.  One problem:  it makes it hard to think about going to sleep.  And I'm so a full 8 hours girl.  [smile]  Anyway the whole scenario reminded me of this children's book my parents used to read to me.  It was all about a young child who couldn't fall asleep in summer at her appropriate bedtime because the sun was still "awake".  As a solution her parents painted a shade for her window of the night sky, with a star, sliver of a moon, and an owl (or at least that's how I remember it).  I always thought it was so magical that she could just pull down the shade and it would be nighttime.  

I'm so thankful for my childhood.  I always felt so safe and loved.  So many memories I could share... sack swings, a tree house, our little plastic kitchen, Skippy the duck, and Pumpkin the guinea pig.  I should probably write these things down. I'm always telling others, namely my grandparents and other older adults I run into, that they need to preserve their memories for later generations.  Guess I should follow my own advice.  My life as a 25 year old is so future focused, but that I shouldn't take time to reflect about my journey so far.  
I'm still sitting at my desk looking out my window and the sky is considerably darker.  I think its safe to say that night has fallen on Bristol.  The first stars would be visible if I didn't live in the city.  Guess I'll start evening rituals, perhaps read a little, and seek rest and renewal.  Sweet dreams. 

Just, Margaret